


Zero Rooftop Installation. Zero Maintenance Hassles. Zero Paperwork.

Save 70% on your power bills without installation or maintenance hassles

No Big Rooftop

No big obstructive structures on roof

No Maintenance Needed

No big obstructive structures on roof

No Added Costs

No big obstructive structures on roof

Skip the hassles of rooftop installations

ZeroBill builds and maintains huge solar parks which are ground mounted solar installations in the state of Chhattisgarh. These solar parks are connected to the grid – so the electricity produced from the panels is put in the grid and can be used by the clients effortlessly.

A Zero Can Change Your Business


Three models to help get started with solar

Forecast Your Savings

Forecast Your Savings

Every unit of electricity from this project helps you save Rs. 9.15 on your power bill.


Your monthly savings: ₹ 2,60,000

Annual Savings: ₹ 31,20,000

25 Year Savings: ₹ 7,80,00,000

Co2 Emissions Saved: 2.6 Tons

Reserved Solar: 330 KW/ 400 Sq. ft

One-Time Setup Cost: ₹ 16,50,000

Claim Accelerated Depreciation Benefits
Save heavy on taxes by claiming the whole amount in the first 5 years

    Best Suited For:

  • Hotel
    You are paying commercial tariff at Rs.8/unit which is the highest and results in max savings with solar
  • Hospital
    Same as hotels, the tariff rates are very high and is a smart move to go solar
  • Industry
    Very high electricity consumption and RPO requirement make it a no brainer for you to go solar

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Client Testmonials ​


Three models to help get started with solar.

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Email:  info@electro.com

Hotline: +94 71 839 2325

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